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Clough Primary School and Nursery Unit, Ballymena

Nature Weaving Project with Found Object Art

4th Nov 2021

Thursday 4th november was 'Outdoor Learning Day' and what better way to go about it in P6/7 but to get the kids outdoors and go on a nature walk to find materials for our nature weaving.

Today we talked about what 'Found Art' was and realised that it was an actually real and that it turns real objects into a work of art.  Marcel Duchamp, a famous artist, was known for this style of art.  

The children gathered three sticks of similar length an formed a triangle with them by wrapping string around the ends. ( What a laugh we had watching some trying to tie the string ) They then had to wrap the string back and forth horizontally making sure to crisscross the strings. This created the 'loom' base for the weaving.  Lastly, they found their own found object art and had fun weaving it the items into the string loom.

What a fun afternoon we all had and our finished products are just AMAZING!!!!